Housing Yellow — and Red — Flags Foundation Size: 1,700 AbvGrdFinSqFt: 2,300 BelGrdFinSqFt: 1,900 Total Fin SqFt: 4,200 –Excerpt, MLS listing What is the maximum number of finished square feet in the basement of a home with a 1,700 square foot foundation? You’d guess 1,700 square feet, right? In fact, the maximum...Read More
Craftsman style home built in 1926. Located in the desireable Kingsfield neighborhood. Walking distance to the park & easy freeway access. Beautiful woodwork including hardwood floors and built ins. Needs a lot of work but great investment opportunity! –Excerpt, new MLS listing The above is clear; hits the home’s high points; discloses the negatives; and...Read More