

Attorney General Eric Holder: the (Watch)Dog That Didn’t Bark

The $6.4 Trillion Question:  Why Not?? I’m sure Eric Holder accomplished lots of other things during his six-year tenure as (now-outgoing) U.S. Attorney General. Unfortunately, holding Wall Street accountable for its egregious — and frequently criminal — conduct at the heart of The 2008 Financial Crash most certainly wasn’t one of them. The really hard...
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Michael Lewis on What’s Wrong with Wall Street

. . . & By Implication, Modern America “When you see others . . . doing stuff at the expense of the broader society, your first reaction, at least early in your career, might be to call them out, but your considered reaction will be to keep mum about it. And when you see people making...
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CEO (and Fed Chair?) Success Rule #1: Choose Your Predecessor — & Your Epoch — Carefully

Better to Be a “Joly” Than an “Immelt” “Choose your parents wisely.” –wisecrack “Nothing grows in the shadow of an oak.” –old saying Current General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt may be a terrific businessman in his own right. But, his now decade-plus tenure as GE chief will always be compared — negatively — to that...
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China: Keep Your Dollars

Is the U.S. Dollar a “Legacy Currency”? “China Urges New Money Reserve to Replace the Dollar”—The New York Times (3/24/09)Legacy: of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system. Here’s a tip: when someone refers to something as a “legacy [blank],” it’s not a compliment (or a good omen). So it’s unnerving —...
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Madoff’s Legacy, Cont.

Silver Linings vs. Black Linings A silver lining is something good, usually long-term, that comes of something bad and helps redeem it, at least a little bit. So what is a “black lining?” A residual, negative echo of something very bad that continues to reverberate long after the original calamity has faded from memory. Bernie...
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