
human nature

14-Year(!) Edina Realty Anniversary

Hey!  Who Are All Those Strange People in My Office??** While I’ve been an entrepreneur (arguably, I still am), CPA, corporate attorney, investor relations consultant, furniture mover, cab driver, and kibbutz volunteer, I’ve never done any of those things for 14(!) years. And 14 years in real estate really isn’t like 14 years in most other fields: ...
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Friends, GPS’s, and Jumping Off Bridges

Led Astray By Still-Fallible Technology “If all your friends all jumped off a bridge . . . would you, too??” –Moms to their kids, circa 1970. “Never ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to.” –Advice to trial lawyers cross-examining witnesses. Once upon a time, Mothers countered foolish, me-too behavior in their...
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