
former attorney

The Many Advantages of Being a Realtor – (former)Attorney

“Ripeness”: Legalese for “First Things First” Even though it’s been decades since I practiced corporate law, I use the training practically daily. To pick just one example, I consciously apply the legal doctrine of “ripeness” to prioritize decision-making ” both mine and my client’s. In the legal world, “ripeness” means that courts will not consider...
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The Many Advantages of Being a Realtor/(former)Attorney

Legal Concept of “Ripeness” Even though it’s been decades since I practiced corporate law, I use the training practically daily. To pick just one example, I consciously apply the legal doctrine of “ripeness” to prioritize decision-making — mine and my client’s. In the legal world, “ripeness” means that courts will not consider an issue until it’s “ripe”...
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What I Learned Practicing Law (Amongst Other Things)

Just Doing What a Good (Ex)Attorney Would Do or, The Many Guises of CYA Occasionally, clients assume that, because of my legal background, I can field a (non-real estate) question or problem that they’d otherwise have to take to their attorney. Even if I could — increasingly doubtful after a 20-plus year hiatus from practicing...
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"Agent Remarks" by Ross Kaplan

Proposed Book TitleI know you’re supposed to come up with the book before you come up with a title, but never mind. If I ever write a real estate book — and with something like 1,500 blog posts under my belt, I probably already have — I know what I’ll call it: ‘Agent Remarks.’ That’s...
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