
Fed stimulus

Record Stock Prices & “The Fed Factor”

Did the Fed “Buy Itself a Landslide?” “Dear Jack:  Don’t buy a single vote more than is necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.” —JFK quoting a made-up telegram from his father, Joseph Kennedy, after he first won election to Congress. As far as I’m concerned — and I know a lot of...
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2013 Person of the Year: Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke

“For Better” . . . For Now  “The person, group, idea or object that for better or for worse . . . has done the most to influence the events of the year.”  –Time magazine’s criteria for selecting its “Person of the Year.” My selection for 2013 person of the year is Federal Reserve Chair...
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Is the Fed Propping Up Stock Prices?

“1 Picture = 1,000 Words” Department If you can’t make out the labels in the chart above, the three time periods (shown in gray) correspond to the Federal Reserve’s QE I, QE II, and Operation Twist (QE stands for “Quantitative Easing”).  So, is the Fed supporting stock prices? You tell me . . .
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