The Virtue(s) of a Slower, Quieter Housing Market Apparently, at least a few industry players are trying to spin what is expected to be modest price appreciation in 2015 into something . . . bigger. See, “Projecting 2015 Housing Prices Using Statistical Sleight of Hand.” I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to embellish...Read More
Hot New Listings on (& backing up to) Highwood Rd. in Lake Forest Neighborhood If the Twin Cities housing market gets any hotter — at least in some neighborhoods — the local Multiple Listing Service (“MLS”) is going to have to supplement its “Days on the Market” statistic with another one: “Hours on the Market.” That’s...Read More
Most Popular Blog Post: ‘Statutory Cancellation for Beginners’ When it comes to Web popularity, “going viral,” etc., there is certainly a virtuous circle phenomenon at work. Namely, the more people read a post, the higher-ranked (and more visible) it becomes, which in turn assures even more hits. That said, the most popular post on this...Read More