Seller Goal: Fast But Not TOO Fast After years of seeing lengthening timetables for the Buyer’s Inspection and Underwriting approval, the pendulum is now swinging the other way — at least on some deals this Spring. Which ones? Homes in multiple offers. Unrealistic Deadline(s)? That’s the word from Edina Mortgage’s Steve Mohabir, who’s noted the...Read More
Busy September (or, “Seeing Triple”) For a Realtor, it’s a high quality problem to have, to be sure. But 3 closings in the next 8 days means 3 of everything (I’m the listing agent, representing the Seller, in all 3 deals). Little (& Big) Details Specifically, it means: 3 walk-thru inspections to deal with; 3...Read More
One Down, Eight to Go If you’re going to close on the purchase or sale of a home on the busiest day (today, the 29th) of the busiest month (this June) for closings in years, it helps to: a) have a cash Buyer; and b) go first. My clients were, and they did. Start time: 9:01...Read More