
expected life

Staging Secret #17

“Pillow Top?”  Actually, More Like “Pillow Bottom” I wouldn’t rip up perfectly good carpet to do it, but . . . assuming the Seller is already planning on replacing especially worn or dirty carpeting, I would recommend splurging on a plush (read, thick) carpet pad to go with. Added cost:  a couple hundred bucks, max....
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Parsing, “Lifetime Warranty”

Actuarial (and Other) Calculations Apparently, roof shingles are getting better and longer-lasting. Traditionally, a standard 3-tab or 4-tab asphalt shingle had an expected life of about 20 years. Now, in addition to the 30-year “Timberline” brand, there are a bevy of new, longer-lasting shingles expected to last several decades. Along with a longer life expectancy,...
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