Man Bites Dog — Real Estate Edition; or How Big is Too Big?* First, a stipulation: in my experience selling residential real estate in Minnesota for over a decade, something like 95% of the time a listed property’s square feet on MLS is accurate to within a few percentage points, max, of the actual square feet....Read More
Housing Yellow — and Red — Flags Foundation Size: 1,700 AbvGrdFinSqFt: 2,300 BelGrdFinSqFt: 1,900 Total Fin SqFt: 4,200 –Excerpt, MLS listing What is the maximum number of finished square feet in the basement of a home with a 1,700 square foot foundation? You’d guess 1,700 square feet, right? In fact, the maximum...Read More
Real Estate Measuring Mistakes(?) I’ve previously written about homes I’ve shown as a Buyer’s agent where the square footage was significantly exaggerated. See, “The House That Shrank.” This post is about encountering a mismeasured home as a Listing agent, representing the seller. Background First, a stipulation: it doesn’t happen that often. I’d estimate the 90%...Read More