Estimates So Broad You Could Drive a Truck Through Them [Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced.] RealAVM: $859,828 RealAVM Range: $662,068 to $1,057,588 Confidence Score: 66 Forecast Standard Deviation: 23 –Excerpt, MLS If you only...Read More
Mixed Blessing If you’re selling your home, it’s unqualified good news (at least to the extent that prospective Buyers consult it). If you’re staying put — and now have to fork over more money every year — maybe not so much. The news I’m referring to? Hennepin County’s just-released proposed 2015 property taxes. Up 10%?...Read More
A Dartboard By Any Other Name Estimated Value: $615,101 Estimated Value Range: $547,440 – $682,762 Confidence Score: 82 Forecast Standard Deviation: 11 –“Estimated Value” by CoreLogic; Hennepin County tax records excerpt. Sorry, estimating a home’s value — with a range of more than $100k (or $136k, in the case of this Eden Prairie home, above) —...Read More