Chain-Reaction “For Sale” Signs It’s one of those anomalies that you see from time to time — and that understandably gives Buyers pause: a block where every other house seems to be for sale. At the moment, that phenomenon seems to characterize Basswood Road, a 3 block-long street just west of Cedar Lake that straddles...Read More
Next Big Thing: Reverse Mortgages Take 80 million Baby Boomers fast closing in on retirement age, many of whom (still) have lots accumulated equity in their now too-big homes, and what do you get? A vast potential market for something called a reverse mortgage. Like its name suggests, in a reverse mortgage, the lender pays...Read More
Home Trends 2010: ‘Don’t Call it a Basement’ First, some background: The big trends in housing at the moment are being driven by technology, demographics, and economics (primarily, the Recession, and secondarily, energy costs). Demographics: lots of upper bracket Baby Boomers — ages 50-65 and on the verge of becoming “empty nesters” — are suddenly...Read More