Flushing Out the Seller’s Bottom Line (or trying to) Listing agents (representing the Seller) know that there are three cards you never show the other side: 1) the client’s bottom-line price; 2) their preferred purchase agreement terms (closing date, down payment, earnest money, inspection contingency, etc.); and 3) their motivation. Which doesn’t mean that Buyers...Read More
Listing Agent Retort: “I’ll Tell You Right After You Tell Me How High the Buyer is Willing to Go” You (almost) never hear a listing agent (representing a Seller) say to a Buyer’s agent at the outset of negotiations: “let’s cut to the chase; what’s the most your Buyer will pay for my client’s property?”...Read More
“Bonus Round” Near Agent’s Fiscal Year-End With the blitzkreig of ads screaming “Deals! Deals! Deals!,” it’s easy to forget that the “black” in “Black Friday” originally referred to retailers’ bottom line, not consumers’. So, at least according to one popular explanation, “Black Friday” was when notoriously low-margin retailers became profitable — “went into the black”...Read More