
Bill Clinton

The OTHER Way to Oust Incumbent Politicians: Reviving the “Term Limits” Movement, 20 Years Later

Fundamental Cure for a Fundamentally Broken Political System “Congress has a 14% approval rating, but a 96% incumbent reelection rate.” —Tampa Bay Times (11/11/2014) With public dissatisfaction with Congress never higher — yet incumbents’ jobs never safer — it would be easy to despair of ever unseating today’s entrenched political power. And I believe that...
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Term Limits Redux?

“Throw the Bums Out!” “If banks are too big to fail . . . make ’em smaller.” –former Reagan Cabinet member George Schultz “If the government is too complicated to be run by anyone but career politicians . . . make it simpler.” –Ross Kaplan The last time the public was this fed up with...
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1930’s vs. 1990’s

Fascinating Juxtaposition The two photos above, from today’s New York Times, present a fascinating juxtaposition. The photo on the left shows FDR signing legislation — known as The Glass-Steagall Act — separating the nation’s investment banks from its commercial banks. It was the latter that held ordinary Americans’ savings deposits, and it was the former’s...
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