
Big Bang Theory

Bob’s are Back!

Something in the Zeitgeist? [Editor’s note:  thanks to 15 year-old Boston reader Xadine for pointing out that what I’d referred to as a “bob” is actually known as a “pixie.”  I couldn’t think of a headline that went with “P,” so I left that part alone.] OK, women’s hairstyle trends may not be the takeaway...
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Movie Review: Scarlett Johansson in “Lucy”

[Family Friend]:  I want to say one word to you.  Just one word. Benjamin:  Yes, sir. [Family Friend]:  Are you listening? Benjamin:  Yes, I am. [Family Friend]:  “Plastics.” –“Benjamin,” Dustin Hoffman’s character in “The Graduate,” getting post-college career advice from a family friend. Without giving anything away, suffice to say that “plastic” also figures significantly...
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