

Appraiser ‘Batting Averages?’

Adding Back Checks & Balances If you haven’t been paying attention, there seems to be widespread consensus that much of the “recent unpleasantness” (what some people in the South called the Civil War) has to do with too few checks and balances in the financial system. So, one of the reasons that securitized mortgages became...
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Financial Manslaughter — or Murder?

How Culpable is Wall Street? “The pressure on financial engineers . . . has been to compete to get new products out the door quickly, with their firms showing little patience for multi-year research and development. It’s too bad these new products could not be labeled “beta” . . . to warn that products are...
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Ferdinand Pecora*

Waiting For Accountability, Closure “Our current stock market slump and housing bust can seem like natural calamities without identifiable culprits, creating free-floating anger in the land. A public deeply disenchanted with our financial leadership is desperately searching for answers. The new Congress has a chance to lead the nation, step by step, through all the...
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