

Friends, GPS’s, and Jumping Off Bridges

Led Astray By Still-Fallible Technology “If all your friends all jumped off a bridge . . . would you, too??” –Moms to their kids, circa 1970. “Never ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to.” –Advice to trial lawyers cross-examining witnesses. Once upon a time, Mothers countered foolish, me-too behavior in their...
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Twin Cities Traffic Bottlenecks — Updated

East is East, and West is West (and Never the Twain Shall Meet) The good news:  one of the Twin Cities biggest bottlenecks — the “T” formed by Interstate 35W and Highway 62 (Crosstown) about five miles south of downtown Minneapolis — has been dramatically improved. The bad news:  one of the biggest remaining bottlenecks, the Lowry...
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Gridlock Recipe

“One Step Backward, Two Steps Forward” Dept. Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few. –Winston Churchill Never in the history of Twin Cities road construction have so many been inconvenienced by so few for so long. –Ross Kaplan Take two of the Twin Cities’...
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