
10-year bond

North Korea & the Housing Market

Flight to Safety No, I don’t think a nuclear conflagration would be good for the U.S. housing market (or anything else). And, there’s no denying that ongoing North Korea – U.S. saber-rattling may have a chilling effect on nervous home Buyers. But, in the meantime, one of the predictable side effects of major geopolitical uncertainty...
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Purchasing Power Pop: Why Housing Might Go Up 15%. Fast.

30-Year Mortgages @ 3%?? For the moment, mortgage rates have bottomed, and may be even be climbing a bit. But, broader market forces (as they say) definitely seem to be tugging rates lower this Summer. Brexit Financial Aftermath There is now a stunning $10 billion-plus in negative-yielding government bonds globally (think, Germany, Switzerland, and — surprisingly,...
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.57%(!) For 10 Years

No, that’s not the yield on the U.S. 10-year bond (rapidly dropping towards 2%). It’s the yield — as of this morning — on Germany’s 10-year bond, regarded as an even safer bet than U.S. debt. Aside from a little confusion (I thought Deutsche marks were replaced by euro’s?), it raises this question:  if at...
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