

Realtors & Angie’s List

“Loved Working with Clark . . . er, Joseph” [Note to Readers: Who knew that Angie’s List had a “Brand Enforcement Coordinator?” I didn’t, at least until I got an email from her today asking me to remove the Realtor review I originally excerpted in my 8/13 post titled, “Realtors & Angie’s List.” Apparently, that...
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“The Scorpion and the Tortoise” Defense

Posner: ‘Blame Regulators (& Economists)’ Let’s place the blame where it belongs. Not on the bankers, who are not responsible for assuring economic stability, but on the government officials who had that responsibility and failed to discharge it. They failed even to develop contingency plans to deal with what everyone knew could happen in a...
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Contractor Etiquette

Good vs. Not So Good Contractors[Editor’s Note: see “Giving Good Invoice” for an update to this post.] In my various capacities as a Realtor, remodeler/rehabber, homeowner, and neighbor, I’ve witnessed a wide range of contractor etiquette. At one extreme, there are contractors who show up late, leave early, and seem to spend the time in...
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