Window Washing “Gotcha’s, or, Avoiding a Paneful Bill (Sorry)
How many windows do you count in the bay window pictured above?
A. One.
B. Ten.
C. Sixty.
D. One hundred and twenty.
Most people would say they’re looking at a single, bay window.
A smaller subset might say they see two rows of five windows, for a total of ten.
Ahh, but I’m aware of at least one local window washing contractor who would count each individual pane as a separate window . . . and charge accordingly.
In the case of the bay window above, that comes to a staggering 120(!) individual windows.
All of which is why it’s a very good idea for homeowners to clarify the total number of windows to be cleaned in advance.
See also, “Best Time of Year to Wash Windows in Minnesota? Two (or is it Three?) Schools of Thought“; and ““Bay” vs. “Bow” Windows.