“Only Their Hairdressers Realtors Know For Sure”*
When you see the “For Sale” sign disappear in front of a home, the presumption — amongst Realtors and non-Realtors alike — is that the house closed, and that the sales price is now a matter of public record.
Which prompts non-Realtors to ask Realtors what it sold for.
Which prompts Realtors to look it up on MLS.
Whereupon I discovered that the home in this particular case doesn’t actually close until the end of May.
In the meantime, the only ones who really know the price for sure are . . . the parties to the transaction and their Realtors.
Retrieving Sign Riders
How do you know — usually — when a house is about to close?
The sign riders disappear.
That’s because Realtors know that if they don’t collect their riders (“Open Sunday,” “Three-Car Garage!”, “Ross Kaplan,” etc.) before the “For Sale” sign gets picked up, post-closing, their chances of ever seeing them again are nil.
At $20 – $30 a pop — that can add up!
*To quote a famous ’70’s era TV commercial for hair coloring.