Marketing Opportunities — Taken & Missed
The MLS database has two places — “Public Remarks” and “Agent Remarks” — where listing agents (representing the Seller) can describe the property.
Good agents use the Agent Remarks field to supplement and punctuate the home’s key selling points, as described in the Public Remarks. That’s especially the case for larger, upper bracket homes, where there’s more to say (or should be!).
Lacklustre agents leave the Agent Remarks field blank, or simply copy and paste the Public Remarks into it.
Guess which category the following falls into?
Agent Remarks: See agent or the City of Edina on pending assessments. Agents to verify all measurements.
Note: now that the road construction in Edina in winding down, the other shoe is dropping — pending assessments that in some cases are tripping $20k. Ouch!