Silver Lining: Indoor Exercise
I’ve certainly had prospective Buyers pass on a single-family home because they didn’t like the feel of the neighboring houses or block.
What’s the equivalent for a condo?
I just showed a Minnetonka condo that was so far from the elevator — I’d guess about 250 feet, or literally a 2 minute walk — that my clients ruled it out before I even opened the front door.
Big Building Pluses
Which is too bad, because large complexes actually offer lots of pluses.
That includes more owners to absorb expensive capital items like timely replacing the HVAC, roof, and windows; professional management; and nice amenities like a pool, Exercise Room, etc.
However, at least IMHO, skimping on elevators — and access generally — shows a lack of vision by the builder(s), and certainly doesn’t help when it comes to (re)sales.
P.S.: Peeve #2: very long, dimly-lit hallways.
See also, “True or False: a Condo Whose Monthly Association Fee is $300 is a Better Deal Than an Identical Condo Whose Fee is $500“; “Condo (and Townhome) Association Due Diligence: What REALLY Matters?“; and “Why Upper Floor Condo’s Are Cheaper Than Lower Floor Ones.”