Never Mind That Late 2018 Stock Market Swoon
“Making money in the stock market is easy: only buy stocks that go up. If they don’t go up, don’t buy ’em.”
—-Mark Twain
I finally figured out why investing — in the stock market or anywhere else — is so vexing.
Because there are only two possible outcomes:
One. Your chosen investment goes down — in which case, you naturally kick yourself for losing your hard-earned money; or
Two. The investment goes up — in which case, you kick yourself for not having had more conviction (and buying more of whatever it was that appreciated).
That mindset applies to stock market swoons as well, including the now mostly-erased, albeit especially violent drop late last year.
In retrospect . . . it was a buying opportunity (at least as of now).
Of course, if you had to pick, you’d rather be vexed by the 2nd type of shpilkes. 🙂
P.S.: if being disgruntled is a (mildly) bad thing, is being “gruntled” a good thing??
**Yiddish for “a state of impatience or agitation.”