OK, so it’s not a lot, but I managed to shed about 8 ounces this week.
Not from my waistline, exactly — more like from my belt.
The explanation?
I traded in my cigarette pack-sized “smart key” — what Realtors use to open electronic lock boxes — for a tiny, infrared adapter that plugs into my iPhone.
When not in use, it fits very nicely on my key chain.
Six for Six
I showed 6 houses yesterday with the new device, with nary a glitch.
The only catch: I now need to get a larger hip holster to hold my iPhone + smart key adapter.
That’s because continually taking the adapter off my key chain, attaching it to my iPhone, then removing it and putting it back on my key chain after opening up each home proved to be unwieldy.
And that’s with the temperature above freezing.
P.S.: one other nice thing about the new “plug-in” smart key: it updates automatically (vs. requiring a cradle and a daily command sequence).