Buyer and Seller “Buzzkill’s”
If you didn’t already know, residential real estate can be a highly emotional affair.
Savvy Buyers and Sellers (and their agents) know that . . . and act accordingly.
Turn-On’s . . . and Turn-Off’s
For Sellers, the biggest emotional turn-off undoubtedly is dealing with a Buyer who’s trying to steal their home — their pride-and-joy — at a firesale price.
Which is why I counsel my clients not to make lowball offers (see, “What Lowball Offers Really Accomplish“).
For many Buyers, the biggest buzzkill is a noxious odor.
Even if it’s only temporary and readily traceable– e.g., an after-effect of last night’s curry-and-exotic spices dinner — the (psychological) damage often is already done.
Runner-up Buyer turn-off: in-process repairs — or worse, damage that the home owner isn’t even aware of (yet), like a plumbing leak.
So, what is the biggest Buyer emotional turn-on?
My candidate would be gorgeous built-in’s and millwork (buffets, cabinets, moldings, arches, etc.), that give a home unique warmth and aesthetic beauty (and convey that the home boasts quality construction).