I don’t collect stamps or coins or baseball cards.
I collect other Realtors’ business cards.
Not as keepsakes — no one’s that nerdy — but to get design ideas.
What makes for a good Realtor business card?
One that stands out — in a good way.
Miniature Billboards
The business card’s front side is necessarily limited by certain conventions, i.e., the need to communicate your name, broker, and contact information.
However, the back side allows for more creativity (mine is a screen capture of this blog’s masthead).
Other Realtors, meanwhile, use side 2 of their business cards to make a pitch for referrals; provide mortgage principal and interest tables; or even provide metric conversion charts (to that one, I suppose I have to add, “go figure”).
However, my (second) favorite is fellow Edina agent and blogger Aaron Dickinson’s: ‘Write on me, I’m good for taking notes.’
And so it is.
P.S.: For a decidedly improper use of other Realtors’ business cards, (re)read “Reason Not to Lie #37.”
P.P.S.: The ultimate business card?
A vanity license plate.
Mine reads, “MY RLTR” — as in, “There goes my Realtor.”