Nation’s Students Lead Movement for Gun Reform

Somewhere in that ocean of protesters walking down Pennsylvania Avenue earlier today is my 15 year-old son.

He’s there along with 70 other Twin Cities kids and their chaperones, representing four local synagogues.

“Dayenu” is the Hebrew word for “enough.”

Beth El’s delegation, including Rabbi Alexander Davis, is pictured at left.

To get to DC, they rode by bus 20+ hours starting late Thursday.

They’re due back — exhausted, I’m sure — tomorrow night.

My (very) mixed emotions:  1) pride that my kids — our nation’s kids — are leading this movement; 2) shame (and not a little disgust) that it fell to them to do something about the horrific scourge of gun violence plaguing U.S. schools, and American society in general.

As opposed to, say, our elected officials.

P.S.: My 18 year-old son marched to the St. Paul Capitol this morning as well.

See also, “The Last School Shooting.”

About the author

Ross Kaplan has 19+ years experience selling real estate all over the Twin Cities. He is also a 12-time consecutive "Super Real Estate Agent," as determined by Mpls. - St. Paul Magazine and Twin Cities Business Magazine. Prior to becoming a Realtor, Ross was an attorney (corporate law), CPA, and entrepreneur. He holds an economics degree from Stanford.

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