“I’m Not Being Rude . . . I’m Just Being a Realtor”
It’s purely anecdotal, but my guess is that nobody can (and does!) end a conversation faster than a veteran Realtor.
They/we aren’t being short or abrupt.
Rather, we’re just juggling lots of balls, and know that, when a hard-to-reach client pops up on your caller ID — perhaps with a time-sensitive response to an offer — you may have 3-4 seconds to finish the call you’re on, and take theirs.
“Thanks, But I Already Know How You Are”
Other agents know that, and aren’t offended.
But, I find myself periodically slowing down transitions with non-Realtors, just to avoid the perception that I’m rude.
And of course, calling back when appropriate . . . 🙂
P.S.: My hunch is that family members of Realtors can attest to the above as well.
And no, if I just talked to someone 10 minutes ago, I’m not going to preface my next call to them with another “How are you?”
See also, “Rude Realtors? Here’s One Solution.”