New Construction in St. Louis Park’s Lake Forest Neighborhood —
and Lots of Renovation & Expansion Nearby
“Instead of teardowns, the focus in St. Louis Park has been on home renovation and expansion. St. Louis Park is definitely an area where people are willing to invest. We see this in the area near our office ” we see construction dumpsters all over the place.
Investors are doing the renovations because they know the appetite to stay in the area is there.”
–Jennifer Cutter; Office Manager, Edina Realty – City Lakes (Star Trib 1/2/16).
Kudos to Edina Realty – City Lakes’ Jennifer Cutter, who nicely captures what’s happening now in St. Louis Park’s many, very active neighborhoods (I had to say that — Jennifer’s my Office Manager 😉 ).
I also know a little about the new home (photo, above) that’s pictured in the article: my clients are building it.
They bought the existing home and .37 acre lot last year with my assistance; subsequently tore it down (it didn’t need much help); and commissioned Peterssen/Keller Architecture and Elevation Homes to create what will be one of Lake Forest’s premier new homes when it’s completed sometime later this Spring.
The finished product will look like this:
P.S.: My one quibble with the otherwise excellent Star Trib piece: I attach much less significance to St. Louis Park’s point-of-sale inspection requirement in explaining why St. Louis Park has had fewer teardowns than neighboring Edina (which lacks such a requirement).
In the parts of St. Louis Park that support upper bracket new homes — like the tucked-away Lake Forest neighborhood just west of Cedar Lake — builders and private homeowners have been very active.
See also, “East Edina Arbitrage — Housing Market Edition“; “How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Teardown (Huh?!?)”; “Buyer’s Agent: “Need a Lot/Teardown Up to $900k in East Edina’“; and “What’s Selling . . . East Edina.”
Plus these: “Is it a Teardown? How to Tell on MLS“; “Tear-Down Economics“; “Tear-Down Prototypes“; “Tear-Down Economics, Circa 2012”; and “You Know It’s a Tear-Down When . . .”