“Exotic” Minnesota
“I was debating whether to go to the Turkish-Syrian border this week or to visit my old high school in Minnesota. I decided to make the exotic foreign trip and go to Minnesota.”
–Tom Friedman, “Minnesota Mirror“; The New York Times (10/31/2012)
You may not agree with everything New York Times columnist (and St. Louis Park native) Tom Friedman says.
But, if you’re not at least aware of Friedman’s take on things . . . you’re not really well-informed (at least in my opinion).
In that vein, I recommend his most recent column discussing the various cross-currents evident in Minnesota politics today.
Notably omitted from said column: any discussion of Minnesota’s recent governors.
That includes current Governor Mark Dayton; his immediate predecessor, former Governor (and Presidential candidate) Tim Pawlenty; and former Governor (and pro wrestler) Jesse Ventura.
A Democrat, a Republican, and a very Independent.
How’s that for cross-currents?
Three Pulitzers to Zero
Trivia alert . . . Friedman and I have something in common: we’re both graduates of St. Louis Park Senior High School — and both wrote for the school newspaper, The Echo.
Whereas Friedman (Class of ’71) was only a page editor, I was Editor-in-Chief seven years later (Class of ’78).
He’s got more Pulitzers than I do, though: 3 to 0.
(I did say Friedman was seven years ahead of me, didn’t I? 🙂 )
See also: ‘Twin Cities Celebrity Sightings.‘