How Big a Premium?
Do famous homes fetch a premium?
In the Twin Cities, it’s hard to know — there aren’t that many of them.
However — at least to Baby Boomer fans of The Mary Tyler Moore Show — there are few more iconic homes than the one (pictured above) on Kenwood Parkway, just north of Minneapolis’ Lake of the Isles.
2104 Kenwood Parkway: Key Stats
So, is there a premium built into the home’s $2.895 million list price?
Based on the terrific location; gargantuan size (7 BR/9 BA with 9,500(!) FSF); and extensive updates, I’d say “no” — or at least not a huge premium.
Heads up, though: the home carries a hefty $48,000 annual property tax bill.
For more scoop on (kind of) famous Twin Cities homes, see “Real Housewives of the Twin Cities” (the most popular post on this blog EVER).
P.S.: Having grown up in the area, I am well-acquainted with the Mary Tyler Moore house.
One choice anecdote: when the show became a hit during the early ’70’s and the producers wanted an updated shot to use in the opening credits, the owner raised his licensing fee rather dramatically.
When the producers balked, he plastered the home with anti-Vietnam War posters.