Busy Thursday Night
A lot, it turns out.
Last night, I wandered around the newly redesigned Calhoun Square (BIG improvement) while noshing on all the free food vendors were giving out; went across the street for some great Thai food (not free); and heard a new hip-hop group, called “No Bird Sing.”
Not “went to see”– rather, “heard,” as in, “they were so loud I literally couldn’t avoid hearing them as I walked by.” (that seemed to be a minority take, though).
What’s that, you didn’t realize Uptown had a new music venue?
No Bird Sing was playing at the new Apple store on Hennepin — one of the coolest retail stores I’ve ever been in, anywhere (skylights, 30′ (?) ceilings, electronic wall displays — and of course, throngs of people).
I was in Uptown last weekend to discover the new Apple store. What an improvement! Their marketing people really know how to make people WANT to walk in there even if they don't need anything.