January 2019 Thaw Comes to an Abrupt End
In case you can’t read the fine print in the photo above, the next time the temperature in the Twin Cities is supposed to reach double digits (as in, 10° or warmer) is early February, more than 10 days(!) away.
And that’s air temperature, not windchill.
As the locals like to say, “Uff-da!”
Too Cold to Snow (Really)
While a good sense of humor helps . . . so does a wardrobe with lots of smart wool, a car with a good battery (even better, a heated, attached garage), and a health club membership.
Silver linings: 1) noticeably longer days than even one month ago; and 2) lots of sunshine (believe it or not, it can be too cold to snow).
See also, “Winter Humor: Minnesota vs. Miami (& Elsewhere).”