100%(!) Price Hike at Whole Foods
If inflation should ever rear its ugly head again, here’s a prediction about where it will first appear: no, not at the gas pump, in your cable bill, or at the pharmacy counter.
More likely in the grocery aisle.
Exhibit A: Whole Foods’ just-doubled price for a cup of prepared oatmeal, from $1.99 to $3.99 (note: my family splits our shopping between Costco, Cub, and Whole Foods).
If you’re doing the math, that’s a 100%(!) increase.
Trial Balloon?
Best guess is that this is a mere, um . . . taste of what’s to come, price-wise, as Amazon more fully integrates Whole Foods.
Look for Jeff Bezos to selectively test such increases, expanding them when they stick, rolling them back when they don’t.
Personally, I’m going back to making my own oatmeal at home . . .