Dubious Symbolism
Every so often, I actually need to mail something to another agent.
Most common example: an earnest money check, when a Buyer client prefers not to electronically transfer funds, either due to logistics or security concerns.
Which means I need a postage stamp, which means I need to choose a postage stamp.
What, No German Shepherd?!?
To my chagrin the other day, I realized that my only remaining stamps are a snake, a tortoise, and a mouse.
Especially with a potentially challenging Buyer’s inspection coming up, the symbols associated with those “pets” may not send exactly the right signal(s) to the other side.
I don’t know about other Realtors, but my associations are: meek, submissive (mouse); slow if not glacial response time (tortoise); and cunning, devious (snake).
Or, I suppose, they could simply open the letter and not notice . . 🙂
See also, “The Goldman Sachs Risk”: Sheep, Wolves ” and German Shepherds.”
Only You would over think this, Ross! Thanks for the chuckle. Hopefully, you are able to keep the transaction together.
Have you been talking to Josh Kaplan? That’s what he always used to say to me . . . .