Funkier Feel Than Old Peter’s Grill
Build (and fill up) a couple thousand new Downtown Minneapolis condos in the last decade or so, and what happens next?
All those new residents fan out looking for groceries, recreation, and new places to eat on weekends.
Like the new Whole Foods on Hennepin at the north end of Downtown; the new Lunds, its opposite on the south end; and Spoon & Stable, two blocks northwest of Whole Foods.
Also making the list: “The Henhouse,” a brunch-oriented eatery located in the same retro space as long-time lunch favorite Peter’s Grill, at 8th Street and 2nd Avenue.
Familiar Features
Happily, The Henhouse still features Peter’s signature high-backed wooden booths, snaking lunch counter, and terrazzo floors.
Long gone: Peter’s “comfort food” menu with stalwarts like vegetable soup, open-faced turkey sandwiches, and apple pie.
Also missing: its clientele, at least during weekdays.
Back when I frequented the place as a downtown CPA and then corporate lawyer, it attracted a mix of lawyers, accountants, and business types — plus, I presume, the occasional Dayton’s retail shopper.
Quotes on Blackboards
Befitting its name, The Henhouse’s fare runs more towards omelets (with quinoa, of course), French toast and eggs.
There’s also a terrific bakery in front, with generous samples for those who don’t want to (fully) indulge.
Thanks in part to all the whimsical quotes* on various blackboards (see photo, above), the place now has a hipper (I mean, edgier) vibe to match.
There is one constant from the old Peter’s Grill, though: the servers still address patrons as “hon” and “sweetie.”
*Sample quotes: “The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had arguments going”; “Annoying the cook will result in smaller portions”; and “Some people look for a beautiful place; others make a place beautiful.”