“Coupon Year” vs. “Calendar Year”
If it seems a little, well, ironic to pay full retail price for a book full of coupons, here’s good news: area retailers begin discounting the 2013 Entertainment book a couple of months into the new year.
Which would be . . . now.
So, instead of $35, they’re now on sale for $18.
Coupon aficionado’s (I qualify) know that the “coupon year” (vs. the calendar year) actually runs November 1 thru October 31.
P.S.: disregard the sticker on the enclosed card advising you that you need to “activate” the card before you may use it.
Unlike a credit card, vendors don’t verify that the card is in fact active; the online “activation” process is strictly about vacuuming up your personal data (email, home address, phone, etc. ).