“Dear Seller: About That Restrictive Showing Time Window . . “
Sellers won’t like to hear this, but there’s a double standard when it comes to accommodating showing requests.
Namely, if a legitimate Buyer can only see your home after 7 p.m. in the evening — you try to accommodate them.
However, as a Seller, if you request that all showings occur after 7 p.m. — as my clients and I ran into earlier this week — you’re doing yourself a serious disservice, particularly if you happen to own a home likely to appeal to a family.
Trading One Showing . . . for Two
That’s because that time doesn’t work for lots of Buyers, especially if they have young children.
It’s also the case that, especially in Minnesota this time of year, such a policy increases rather than decreases the intrusion on would-be Sellers.
That’s because the first thing a Buyer with any interest will want to do is double-back to see the home during daylight hours.