“Drum Roll, Please . . . .”
No, there’s no Oscars or Emmies for Realtors. The closest there is (so far) is the Mpls-St. Paul Magazine‘s annual “Super Realtors” list.
So it’s nice to be selected . . . for the fourth year in a row.
Local Realtors just got notified by letter; the list is published in the fall, and is supposed to identify the top 3% or so of Twin Cities Realtors.
I’ve written previously about the list (“Many Are Text-Messaged, Few Are Chosen“), so won’t repeat myself here.
The only thing that I can add, one year later, is that repeat selections are not influenced by whether or not you pay Mpls – St. Paul Magazine to “leverage” the award (by buying an expanded profile in the print magazine, licensing the award logo’s, etc.).
Either that, or they’re not keeping very good track, because I didn’t pony up.