Realtor Bad Etiquette

In the non-realtor world, it would be the equivalent of butting in line, or cutting someone off in traffic.

For Realtors, a common example of bad etiquette is blitzing several thousand Realtors’ mailboxes with a 17 megabyte electronic flyer like the one I received yesterday — an anvil of an email if there ever was one.

For non-geeks, that’s equivalent to several hundred regular emails.

The peak for such emails is usually Monday, when over-zealous Realtors hosting Broker Opens the next day try to stir up as much interest as they can.
To stand out, it’s natural to want to include as many high-end photos as possible.

However, that can be done less obnoxiously simply by adding (hypertext) links.

When I get email whoppers that overload my email box, like most recipients, I just hit “delete.”
About the author

Ross Kaplan has 19+ years experience selling real estate all over the Twin Cities. He is also a 12-time consecutive "Super Real Estate Agent," as determined by Mpls. - St. Paul Magazine and Twin Cities Business Magazine. Prior to becoming a Realtor, Ross was an attorney (corporate law), CPA, and entrepreneur. He holds an economics degree from Stanford.

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