Guess how many Bedrooms and Bathrooms there are in this 3,000 square foot Fern Hill home:
A. 3 BR/2 BA
B. 4 BR/2 BA
C. 4 BR/3 BA
D. 6 BR/5 BAAnswer: D
I haven’t been inside, so I can’t say for sure.
But you’d certainly guess that a home this size with so many bedrooms and baths feels cramped, if not claustrophobic.
Taking a home from 2 Bedrooms to 3 certainly adds value.
You could even argue that going from 3 Bedrooms to 4 does, too.
However, somewhere between that 4th and 6th(!) Bedroom — especially in a medium-sized home — the law of diminishing returns kicks in . . . or begins to operate in reverse!
P.S.: One possible explanation? The home’s owned by a contractor — who didn’t know when to call it quits.