Market Melt-Down Creates Refinancing Opportunity
No, it’s not good when already volatile markets lurch downward like they’ve done the last couple days.
However, astute financial observers know that such turbulence is also accompanied by a “flight to safety” — in this case, U.S. debt.
Doesn’t the U.S. have a $13 trillion (and counting) deficit, and many more trillions in unfunded obligations?
Doesn’t really matter, at least for the moment; in the land of the financial blind — that would be the Eurozone at the moment — the one-eyed man is King.
What does that mean for the the housing market?
A weaker economy — if that’s indeed what’s ahead — isn’t great news.
However, the silver lining is that anyone who’s on the cusp of refinancing can do so at rates that are temporarily “on sale.”