500-Plus Posts? Phew!!
After almost 500 posts spanning a year and a half, the City Lakes Real Estate blog is approaching several key milestones –and logged several, notable distinctions:
Number of discrete visitors: 10,000
Number of page views: 20,000
Number of countries represented by blog visitors: 37
Posts run in www.RealClearMarkets.com: 9 (RealClearMarkets is the leading aggregator of U.S. –and world — business and economics opinion pieces. Samples: “The Bob Newhart Economy”; “Is it Too Late to Bail Out Enron?”)
Mentions in Star Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press: 7
Blog posts ranked in Google “top ten” worldwide: 6 (discussing these subjects: Realogy and bankruptcy; Realtor letters to clients; multiple offers; Edina’s Westin Galleria; the critique of Realtors in the book, Freakonomics; and Case-Shiller’s housing statistics for Minneapolis). A seventh, “Real Estate and Inflation,” is in the top 20 (and moving up with a bullet!).
New York Times corrections attributed to: 1
Technorati blog rank (out of 20 million-plus worldwide): 634,232
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