“Single File, Please!” When Side Streets Feel Like Bobsled Runs
“To ensure that fire trucks and other emergency vehicles can continue to navigate Minneapolis neighborhoods, Winter Parking Restrictions will go into effect Wednesday in Minneapolis
Beginning Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 8:00 a.m., Do Not Park on the EVEN numbered side of non-Snow Emergency Route until April 1, unless conditions allow the City to lift the ban earlier.”
–City of Minneapolis alert (2/26/18).
You know there’s a been a ton of snow recently when the City of Minneapolis restricts parking to only one side of the street.
At least until warmer temps arrive, driving down streets where the snow banks are especially high feels likes negotiating a bobsled run (minus the curves) . . .
P.S.: Accumulating snow is also shrinking the available space in surface parking lots — like the one at Edina Realty – City Lakes.