Lower Case “g” vs. Upper Case “G”
At first, I thought my friend said they bought their teenage son #2 a “grandma’s car”: high miles, older vintage, but still in good working condition.
You know, like Grandma.
However, when I heard what they paid, $1, as well as some of the personal items (walker, shopping bags, etc.) that came with, I realized they’d literally bought “Grandma’s car” — in this case, maternal Grandma.
In fact, it was the second “Grandma’s car” in their household: son #1 had long been driving paternal Grandma’s car.
See also, “Grandma’s House” vs. “Grandpa’s House“; “Let’s Hear it for Granny Flats!”; and “Granny Flat?’ Try, “Boomerang Bungalow“”; and The OTHER Kind of “Grandma’s House.”