The First Second to Know
Want to know who just got a plum, new job out-of-town?
Is about to lose their current one?
Getting divorced?
Just had a financial windfall?
Or, for that matter, any number of other highly personal news?
Ask their Realtor.
Loose Lips Sink . . . Realtors
Except, of course, that a good Realtor will never tell you.
In addition to knowing how to price, stage, market, negotiate, draft contracts, and — at least occasionally — handhold 🙂 , there’s one other quality that’s indispensable to being a good Realtor:
Knowing how to keep a secret.
P.S.: And no, there’s nothing analogous in real estate to “attorney-client privilege” ” that is, a court-recognized proscription against revealing information that a client shares with their agent.
But a Realtor with any common sense who wants a thriving practice, hardly needs to be told to keep any sensitive client information confidential ” not just the standard “price, terms, and motivation.”
See also, “Minnesota Realtors and the “Unauthorized Practice of Law.”