When Subjectivity Isn’t Just Superficial
If the Comp’s aren’t convincing enough, Realtor “Jane Doe” will take Sellers on tours of comparable properties. “They can see this other house is in much better condition, and it’s priced $20,000 less than theirs. It’s eye-opening.”
–Spokane agent, sharing her strategy for working with unrealistic Sellers in “Setting Them Straight”; Realtor Magazine.
Been there, done that.
In my experience, would-be Sellers who harbor unrealistic ideas about their home’s appeal (or lack thereof) are hardly objective observers when it comes to sizing up their neighbors’ homes.
The two times (in 19+ years) that I’ve actually persuaded recalcitrant Sellers to physically view competing homes with me, they both ended the tour with exactly the same reaction:
“I had no idea my home was so much better than those other ones. I think I should ask more.”
I didn’t end up listing (never mind selling) either home . . .
See also, “Realtor Prayer 2020.”